Are you a beginner in Minecraft struggling to find the best villager trades? Look no further. This article will guide you through the most efficient trades for each profession, including masons, farmers, librarians, armorers, butchers, shepherds, fishermen, fletchers, leatherworkers, and more.
Read on to learn how to get the most emeralds and valuable items by trading with villagers.
What are Villager Trades in Minecraft?
Villager trades are a way to obtain valuable items and emeralds by exchanging them with the villagers in Minecraft.
Each profession has its own set of items that it will buy and sell, and the prices may vary depending on the difficulty of obtaining the item.
Why are Villager Trades Important?
Villager trades are crucial for players who want to obtain rare and valuable items such as enchanted books, saddles, and diamond gear.
They also provide a reliable source of emeralds, which can be used to trade for other items or to purchase goods from wandering traders.
How to Trade with Villagers:
To trade with a villager, you need to find one and right-click on them to open their trading interface. You will see a list of items that the villager is willing to trade, as well as the price in emeralds.
If you have the required item, you can drag it into the trading interface to exchange it for emeralds or another item.
Mason Villager Trades:
Stone for Emeralds:
Masons will buy stone blocks for emeralds. This is an easy trade to make, as stone is readily available in caves and mines.
Granite/Diorite/Andesite for Emeralds:
Masons will also buy granite, diorite, and andesite blocks for emeralds. These blocks can be found in mountains and caves, and they are relatively easy to obtain with a pickaxe.
Nether Quartz for Emeralds:
Nether quartz is a valuable resource found in the Nether, and masons will buy it for emeralds. This trade can be lucrative if you have a good supply of nether quartz.
Farmer Villager Trades:
Pumpkins for Emeralds:
Farmers will buy pumpkins for emeralds. Pumpkins can be found growing naturally in certain biomes, such as plains and taiga. They can also be grown from pumpkin seeds.
Melons for Emeralds:
Farmers will also buy melons for emeralds. Melons can be grown from melon seeds, which can be found in jungle biomes or obtained from trading with wandering traders.
Potatoes for Emeralds:
Farmers will buy potatoes for emeralds. Potatoes can be obtained by breaking potato crops, which can be found in villages or grown from potato seeds.
Carrots for Emeralds:
Farmers will also buy carrots for emeralds. Carrots can be obtained by breaking carrot crops, which can be found in villages or grown from carrot seeds.
Wheat for Emeralds:
Farmers will buy wheat for emeralds. Wheat can be obtained by breaking wheat crops, which can be found in villages or grown from wheat seeds.
Librarian Villager Trades:
Bookshelves for Emeralds:
Librarians will sell bookshelves for emeralds. Bookshelves are a valuable decoration item and can also be used to increase the level of enchantments on enchantment tables.
Enchanted Books for Emeralds:
Librarians will also sell enchanted books for emeralds. Enchanted books can be used to add enchantments to tools, weapons, and armor. The type of enchantment and its level will vary.
Armorer Villager Trades:
Coal for Emeralds:
Armorers will buy coal for emeralds. Coal can be found in veins in the ground or obtained by mining coal ore. It can also be obtained by trading with wandering traders.
Iron Ingots for Emeralds:
Armorers will also buy iron ingots for emeralds. Iron ingots can be obtained by smelting iron ore in a furnace or obtained by trading with wandering traders.
Butcher Villager Trades:
Sweet Berries for Emeralds:
Butchers will buy sweet berries for emeralds. Sweet berries can be found growing in taiga biomes or obtained by trading with wandering traders.
Shepherd Villager Trades:
Wool for Emeralds:
Shepherds will buy wool for emeralds. Wool can be obtained by shearing sheep or obtained by trading with wandering traders.
Fisherman Villager Trades:
String for Emeralds:
Fishermen will buy string for emeralds. Strings can be obtained by killing spiders or obtained by trading with wandering traders.
Pufferfish for Emeralds:
Fishermen will also buy pufferfish for emeralds. Pufferfish can be found swimming in oceans or obtained by fishing with a fishing rod.
Cartographer Villager Trades:
Compass and Paper for Emeralds:
Cartographers will sell woodland mansion maps for emeralds. To obtain a woodland mansion map, you must trade a compass and paper with a cartographer.
Overall, the best villager trades depend on the resources you have available and your personal preferences. Whether you're looking to make a profit or obtain valuable items, trading with villagers can be a rewarding experience.
By utilizing the information in this article, you should be able to find the best villager trades for your needs and take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level.
Trading with villagers in Minecraft is an important aspect of the game that allows players to obtain valuable resources and items. By understanding the different trades offered by each profession, players can optimize their gameplay and make the most of their time in the game.
It is worth noting that in Minecraft, trading is not the only way to obtain resources and items. Players can also explore the world, mine for resources, and craft items using various materials.
However, trading with villagers is a more direct and efficient way of obtaining specific items, especially for players who are short on time or resources.
Overall, the best villager trades in Minecraft depend on the player's goals and resources. However, some trades are generally more valuable than others, and players can use this knowledge to their advantage.
By following the tips and advice in this article, players can become expert traders and take their Minecraft gameplay to new heights.
How do I trade with villagers in Minecraft?
To trade with villagers in Minecraft, you must first locate a village. Villages can be found in certain biomes, such as plains, savannas, and deserts. Once you've found a village, look for the villager you want to trade with and right-click on them to open the trading menu.
Can villagers have multiple trades?
Yes, villagers can have multiple trades. Each villager profession has a set of trades they offer, and as you trade with them, their inventory will refresh and they may offer new trades.
How do I change a villager's profession?
To change a villager's profession, you must destroy the workstation they are currently using and place a new workstation of the desired profession. After a short period of time, the villager will change their profession to match the workstation.
Can villagers be cured of zombie villager status?
Yes, zombie villagers can be cured using a splash potion of weakness and a golden apple. Throw the potion of weakness at the zombie villager and then feed them the golden apple. After a short period of time, they will be cured and become a regular villager.